Welcome to Moïra Rossito

post-doc student at NutriNeuro lab

After a Master's degree in neurobiology and endocrinology, she completed her thesis at the Institute of Human Genetics in Montpellier, in the Gonad's Development and Pathology team. The project of her thesis was "impact of in utero exposure of NSAIDs and paracetamol on the early development and maturation of the male reproductive organs in mice". During her thesis, she started to work on another project of the lab on which she chained a post doc. The project was to determine the role of the Trim28 gene in the maintenance of the female sexual phenotype.
She is in NutriNeuro on a post doc contract with Sophie Layé until the end of December 2019. She will work on the effect of omega 3 on brain development, especially the difference between males and females.


Modification date : 14 August 2023 | Publication date : 14 June 2019 | Redactor : CJ