Marianela Santoyo Zedillo joined NutriNeuro lab

She performs her PhD (2016-2019).

In the french-mexican OBETEEN project financed by the ANR in France and CONACyT in Mexico (2015-2019), Marianela Santoyo Zedillo performs her PhD (2016-2019) between Bordeaux University and UAM  (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana) from Mexico.

Subject: Impact of obesity during the adolescence on memory in rodents: focus on the interactions between amygdale and hippocampus. 

Directors: Guillaume Ferreira (NutriNeuro, Bordeaux), Gustavo Pacheco-Lopez (UAM, Mexico)

Financial support: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT) - Mexico

Modification date : 14 August 2023 | Publication date : 09 December 2016 | Redactor : CJ