Lucile Capuron is the winner of the Marcel Dassault price in 2018

for her research on mental diseases

Research director in Nutrineuro lab, Lucile Capuron won the 7th Marcel Dassault price the 4th of december, 2018. She is the first woman to obtain this price (300 000€). This price is attributed by the scientific board of the FondaMental fondation with an international jury.

Lucile Capuron, at the head of the Nutrition et Psycho-neuroimmunologie team, is focused on the role of inflammation in some pathological forms of depression.

lucile capuron

Two neurotransmitters play a key role in the mechanism of depression: serotonin and copamin. These neurotransmitters are synthtised from amino acids found in the diet: tryptophan for serotonin;  phenylalanin and tyrosin for dopamine. And two enzymes plau a role in their synthesis: IDO for the serotonin and BH4 for the dopamine.

see the press release of Fondamentale/groupe Dassault fondation

read the article on Le Figaro

Congratulations to Lucile.

Modification date : 14 August 2023 | Publication date : 07 December 2018 | Redactor : CJ