PhD student - University of Bordeaux

Nationality: China

Title : Understanding the different sensitivities of berry biochemical compositions in response to sourcesink manipulation in grapevine.

  • Supervisor : Zhanwu DAI
  • Funding :
  • Project :
  • Date: since Oct 06, 2016

Abstract : Primary and secondary metabolites are major components of grape quality and their balances define wine typicity. Global climate change is modifying vine physiology and especially the biochemical composition of grape berries at harvest, by decoupling the phenolic maturity (defined by secondary metabolites) with technical maturity (defined by primary metabolites). These alterations will consequently challenge the sustainability of the wine production. To face these challenges, more knowledge of the regulation mechanisms of metabolite accumulation in grape is needed to promote innovated viticultural practices or new cultivar selection. One of the rapid and efficient ways to mitigate the climate change effect is to modify vine canopy that modifies the relationship between source and sink. The present project proposed to obtain a better understanding of the relationship between primary metabolites and polyphenol composition in response to canopy manipulation, in order to find trade-off points for synchronizing phenolic maturity with technical maturity of grape. More precisely, we will use cv. Cabernet Sauvignon 1) to analyze in fine the response of yield and biochemical composition in ripening berries, including sugars, organic acids, amino acids, and phenolic compounds (tannins, anthocyanins, flavonols, stilbens), with UPLC and LC-MS; 2) define their relative sensitivities to canopy manipulation by using non-linear regression methods; 3) to study the physiological mechanisms underlying the different sensitivities of berry composition to canopy manipulation, by measuring the reprogramming of central enzymes with a highthroughput enzymatic platform and qPCR or RNAseq techniques.

Publications :

Modification date : 14 August 2023 | Publication date : 22 January 2018 | Redactor : egfv